3/14/24 Annoucements Reminder: the week of March 18th-22nd is Spring Break (no school)5th grade families: Mark your calendars for May 9th at 5pm for the Middle School Info Night to learn about middle school at IACS!
March 2024 Newsletter We have a lot happening in March and a lot to celebrate. Check out our newsletter for all the details!
No Lunch Lizard on 3/14 Reminder: No Lunch Lizard on Thursday, March 14th. Please send your child(ren) with a lunch.
Continuing Enrollment Due by February 29th Reminder: continuing enrollment forms and payment is due by February 29th if you want your child(ren) to attend IACS next year.
Celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday! February 29th we are celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday! Dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss character!
2/22/24 Announcements from the Office We have a couple big events happening next week! February 29th is the deadline to get your continuing enrollment info into the office. Lit Night is also on February 29th.
2/15/24 Announcements Reminder: No school on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents' DayPhoenix Family will have a meeting on Tuesday, February 20th at 4:30 in the library.Our 2nd Annual Literacy Night will be Thursday, February 29th 5-6:30pm.
Open House is Feb 2nd 3-6pm! Do you know anyone who is interested in attending Independence Academy? Our Open House for prospective families is Friday, February 2nd 3-6pm.
Continuing Enrollment for Current Students Due by February 29th Reminder for current IACS families: If you would like your student(s) to continue at IACS next year, you need to have your continuing enrollment form and fees paid by February 29, 2024.