Fall 2020

Welcome back!  I am ready to hit the ground running for year TEN here at IACS.  Face to face learning will be conducted as normal as it can be while following safety guidelines and protocols for our current public health situation. 
Due to the pandemic, many aspects of education are changing right now.  Which means the online component will have a big impact on our education this year.  Online assignments for physical education, although optional for elementary, are still highly encouraged.  The activities posted are intended to help develop age appropriate skills in movement competence and understanding, physical and personal wellness, emotional and social wellness, and prevention and risk management.  
Virtual assignments for elementary students will pop up in the google classroom on Monday mornings.  Due to the assignments being optional, strictly online learners will receive an "N" on their report card.  In the event that we move to online distance learning full time this will be the protocol for all
elementary students.
Assignments for middle school online learners will pop up daily(Mon-Thur.) in the google classroom.  Virtual instruction will be related to, but ultimately different than in-person instruction.  These assignments are NOT optional!  Please make sure to  complete and submit all assignments by the due dates to remain on track with your elective choices.  If you need an extension please reach out via email or phone prior to the due date for that assignment. 
Communication will be key this year so please contact me with any question you may have.  Thank you, and I am looking forward to a different yet fun year.